Friday, February 6, 2009


Finally we are completely potty trained, it is so nice not to have to buy diapers for Ryan any more.He just couldn't hold it in any more and he just sat down and went.(sparing the gross details) He just loves it now and we can't keep him off the toilet, he will push out anything, he's so proud of himself, it's totally cracking us up.I've counted 12 times today and it's only3:30, anyways, I'm so estatic our super stubborn child is beginning to, relax and hopefully enjoy his little life. Next on the list is his horrible pickyness. We'll see how that goes in a few months, one step at a time. For now I am just so happy he's getting there.


Mandie Flood said...

So how does this potty training thing work. We are soon going to hop on the "potty train" for big-girl's-ville but i don't even know where to get started. Did you use a book?
I hear it can be rather frustrating, so congrats that you only have, is it one more to go? Or Two?
I personally feel that this picture should go in a file somewhere for later persuasion tactics.
love mandie

Katie said...

yay for Ryan!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Kim, you have the absolute most funny pictures I've ever seen! I love your blog and your sense of humor! So how many times did you count by the end of that day? I'm dying to know! lol

Brittany Oldham Przybyla said...

That's awesome, congrats! Bob is so stubborn too...I tried EVERYTHING until I finally gave up, and a few months later he all of a sudden, out of the blue, said he wanted to go in the potty, and we never had a problem after that. Weird...he just needed to be ready himself.