Friday, January 2, 2009


OK , my new years resolutions are; 1. Drop some more weight ( I need to keep going)
2. Learn how to sew and follow a pattern. 3. Get the boys to sit through sacrament, with just me. 4.Potty train Ryan to poop on the toilet (he is just so scared he's going to fall in). 5.Be a more happy ,grateful, and humble person, oh and forgiving too. That's a good one. I really need to work on that one. Hope your new years was great mine was! good food ,good friends, I think it was the first time in years that me and Ben actually went out and stayed up till midnight , we usually fall asleep. Thank you Monica for having the party at your house, I'll do it next time.


Anonymous said...

Happy New Year, Kim! I'm glad that you got to go out and have a good time. Spending New Year's with your friends is the best! You'll have to fill me in on "the little gift" that you were talking about! I'm clueless!

Anonymous said...

Kim, I'm so sorry! I just asked my kids and the response I got was classic! Thank you-I had no idea you did that! How sweet :)

P.S. My kids are officially in the dog house now!!!